WarMurals.com is a military art history and photography project dedicated to the preservation of deployment art and the stories behind them in hopes that it can memorialize and preserve at least a part the conflict for future generations.
Thousands of pieces of art created by service members for service members are scattered across the Middle East where they are often destroyed or left in a state of decay to fade away in the harsh climates they are left in. While the barrier art tradition continues, many now only survive in photographs as a snapshot of a unit's identity, and a monument to a life changing experience for those that served.
Please enjoy the over 2000 murals currently included in this site and join in sharing, collecting, and cataloging this unique artworks and the memories they represent.
Note: We are slowly transitioning to the Omeka digital archiving platform. New updates and some old content can be found here.
Click the galleries below to see the 2,300+ photos of GWOT military art and graffiti currently preserved on this site by project supporters and get a glimpse of the art painted by the military for the military during GWOT to include Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), OP Herrick, and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), OP Telic, Operation Spartan Shield, Operation Inherent Resolve, and more!
Not sure where to begin? Start with 'Submissions from Project Supporters' or 'Camp Buehring 2017'!
This gallery archives the the individual murals from across the Middle East recieved via email and Facebook from dozens of supporters of the project. [160+ Images]
High qualifty and diverse collection of photos of Camp Beuhring TWalls by Chistopher S. [600 Images]
T-Wall Memorial that was created and maintained by Soldiers, for Soldiers to honor the 4478 US Military Servicemembers killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. [28 Images]
Military and Civilian members have painted a number of T-walls on Camp Virginia, Kuwait from DVIDS. [43 Images]
Assorted painted T-walls From JB Balad, Camp Victory, COB Speicher and Camp Slayer in Iraq. These photo were taken by Avery D. prior to 2010. [50 Images]
Archives the work of Maj. Loren Hutsell, an Army chaplain who in 2014 wrote a 305-page thesis on Camp Buehring barrier art and troop identity in OIF for the US Army Command and General Staff College. [202 Images]
T-wall art on Sather Air Base, Iraq, Sept. 21, 2011. All of the T-wall art on Sather Air Base was painted by military and civilian personnel during Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation New Dawn. [140 Images]
Twall memorial made by the 4th BCT, 2th IN DIV at FOB Salerno, Afghanistan during OEF 2012. [13 Images]
This gallery archives the work of James Ball and his thorough 564 page free book 'Joint Base Balad (LSA Anaconda), Iraq 2009 - 2010' he first published in 2016.
Military and civilians members have painted a number of T-walls on Contingency Operating Site Echo in Diwaniyah province. From DVIDS. [12 Images]
Collection of Aviation murals and stencils from Bagram Air Field Afghanistan courtesy of James H. [20 Images]
Military and civilians members have painted a number of T-walls on Forward Operating Base Warhorse, Diyala, Iraq. From DVIDS. [25 Images]
The First War Murals Gallery featurting Camp Buehring Kuwait 2019. High quality galleries are now available but some visitors like to see how the original murals are holding up years later. From Eric S. [163 Images]
Military and civilians members have painted a number of T-walls on Contingency Operating Site Kalsu in Babil province. From DVIDS. [24 Images]
Small Gallery featuring mainly US Marine Aviation Murals at Al Jaber Air Base Kuwait [19 Images]
Gallery from Simon Garland Lo featuring Aviation Murals by British Armed Forces completed at Camp Bastion, Helmand Province, Afghanistan during OP Herrick 2014 [34 Images]
Gallery from Danny Toma featuring Murals by US Troops at the Sprawling Camp Bucca Detention Facility [27 Images]
An early War Murals gallery featuring unit plaques and wooden deployment murals on display at Camp Arifjan Kuwait From Eric S. [138 Images]
Gallery featuring Aviation Murals by US, Canadian, and Royal Danish Air Force units at Al Jaber Air Base Kuwait during OIR [37 Images]
Murals and Memorials at Bagram AB courtesy of James VH as the base closed and the troop art was taken down or painted over [34 Images]
Arte y murales realizados por soldados de las Fuerzas Armadas españolas en la Base Fran Capitan en Besmayah Irak 2014- 2020. (Blast wall art by Spanish Soldiers). [21 Images]
Assorted painted T-walls From Camp Warrior, CSC Scania, COS Kalsu, Khandahar, Kirkuk, Talil/ Adder, and Victory Station from firefighter Scott Joyner [34 Images]
T-wall murals s on Contingency Operating Base Adder. From DVIDS. [26 Images]
Gallery of graffiti, various porta potty art, and other troop 'commentary'. Some explicit content not appropriate for minors.
Gallery courtesy of Danny Toma featuring T-Wall art painted by units of US and UK Military from 2008-2010 During Operation Iraqi Freedom and OP Telic. [60 Images]
Deployment art, t-wall murals and the graffiti found in the boneyard at Balad Air Base Iraq 2009 captured by MOGS. [120 images]